9 minute read


What is differential privacy? Why is it important? How can we implement that in PyTorch?

Differential privacy (DP) is a mathematical framework for ensuring the privacy of individuals in datasets. The concept was first introduced in 2006 by Cynthia Dwork and Frank McSherry, et al..

According to DP, the presence or absence of any individual record in the dataset should not significantly affect the outcome of the mechanism.

We call “mechanism” any computation that can be performed on the data. Thus, a mechanism is considered differentially private if the probability of any outcome occurring is nearly the same for any two datasets that differ in only one record.

The training of a Machine Learning (ML) model is a mechanism. The outcome of this mechanism is the model’s weights distribution or, perhaps more in general, the model’s behavior. Thus, we may say that a ML model is DP if the behavior of the trained model does not depend too much on a specific sample.

Why care?

(Un)Surprisingly, privacy attacks exist:

  • anonymized data can be deanonymized;
  • ML models can be attacked, and their training data can be recovered.

As a consequence, simply publishing a ML model (even as black-box) puts its training data at risk of being inferred. This is important if your ML model was trained on sensitive data, e.g. banking, health care, etc.

Is there a solution? Differential Privacy (DP) is one, but it comes with its costs.

Differential Privacy

Very simply, a mechanism is ($\epsilon,\delta$)-DP if the following is true:

$ \frac{P(M(X \sim D))}{P(M(X \sim D’))} \le \exp(\epsilon) + \delta $


  • $M(X \sim D)$ is the mechanism’s output when using the dataset $D$;
  • $M(X \sim D’)$ is the mechanism’s output when using the dataset $D’$, which is a dataset which differs from $D$ only by one sample;
  • $\epsilon \in R^+$ and $\delta \in R^+$ are some constants.

Simplified: the probability of observing the same output from the mechanism is very high, whether or not any sample is included in it.

So the smaller $\epsilon$ and $\delta$, the more private your mechanism is. No one will be able to tell whether a specific sample was used or not, protecting that sample’s privacy.


Code implementation below.

So how to make a ML model ($\epsilon,\delta$)-DP?

As said before, a mechanism can be the training procedure of a ML model, e.g. the SGD (stochastic gradient descent) algorithm. Whether we use or not any specific sample in our training, the resulting ML model will be/behave the same.

We need to make SGD private. How? Inject noise.

The SGD algorithm defines the following parameter update rule for one sample:

$ w \leftarrow w + \eta\frac{\delta L(x)}{\delta w} = w + \eta \Delta w $

where $x$ is the sample over which we are evaluating the loss $L(\cdot)$, and $\eta$ is the learning rate. We need to obfuscate the contribution of $x$ to the update $\Delta w$ by injecting some noise.

So instead of $\Delta w = \frac{\delta L(x)}{\delta w}$, we can have:

$ w \leftarrow w + \eta\frac{\delta L(x)}{\delta w} + z \sim \mathcal{N}(0,\sigma) $

where $z \sim \mathcal{N}(0,\sigma)$ is some random noise. We can actually choose the normal or Laplace distribution. See here.

How much noise should I inject to get a model that is exactly ($\epsilon,\delta$)-DP? How to choose $\sigma$?

The value of $\sigma$ depends on the maximum possible sensitivity of our mechanism to any sample $x$. Now, in our case our mechanism is the SGD, so we should consider the worst possible case for this term:

$ \Delta w = \frac{\delta L(x)}{\delta w} $

Unfortunately, this term is usually unbounded but it is actually not if we use gradient clipping. If we do, then our worst possible case (maximun value for $\Delta w$) is the clip value $C$.

In the end, the value of the noise $z$ is:

$ (\mathrm{Gaussian}) \quad z \sim \mathcal{N}(0, \frac{2 \ln(1.25/\delta) \cdot C^2}{\epsilon^2}) $

$ (\mathrm{Laplace}) \quad z \sim \mathrm{Lap}(0, \frac{C}{\epsilon}) $


Privacy budget

While training, each time you perform SGD (for each sample), you inject some noise. You now need to keep track of the noise you’re injecting during training, so you can stop when enough noise has been injected.

Given $\epsilon$, the total amount of noise you have to inject is $\frac{1}{\epsilon}$. When you reach that, you have to stop.

How to keep track of it? See Abadi et al..

Code implementation (python)

See Opacus. They already do an excellent job.

Here, I provide a code snippet to create a PyTorch Lightning callback that implements DP.

from loguru import logger
import typing as ty

from copy import deepcopy
import lightning.pytorch as pl
import torch
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
from torch.optim.optimizer import Optimizer
from opacus.accountants import RDPAccountant
from opacus.accountants.utils import get_noise_multiplier
from opacus.data_loader import DPDataLoader
from opacus import GradSampleModule
from opacus.layers.dp_rnn import DPGRUCell
from opacus.optimizers import DPOptimizer

def copy_gru(grucell: torch.nn.GRUCell) -> DPGRUCell:
    """Creates a DP-GRUCell from a non-DP one."""
    input_size: int = grucell.input_size
    hidden_size: int = grucell.hidden_size
    bias: bool = grucell.bias
    dpgrucell = DPGRUCell(input_size, hidden_size, bias)
    for name, param in grucell.named_parameters():
        if "ih" in name:
            _set_layer_param(dpgrucell, name, param, "ih")
        elif "hh" in name:
            _set_layer_param(dpgrucell, name, param, "hh")
            raise AttributeError(f"Unknown parameter {name}")
    return dpgrucell

def _set_layer_param(
    dpgrucell: DPGRUCell,
    name: str,
    param: torch.Tensor,
    layer_name: str,
) -> None:
    layer = getattr(dpgrucell, layer_name)
    if "weight" in name:
        layer.weight = torch.nn.Parameter(deepcopy(param))
    elif "bias" in name:
        layer.bias = torch.nn.Parameter(deepcopy(param))
        raise AttributeError(f"Unknown parameter {name}")
    setattr(dpgrucell, layer_name, layer)

def replace_grucell(module: torch.nn.Module) -> None:
    """Replaces GRUCell modules with DP-counterparts."""
    for name, child in module.named_children():
        if isinstance(child, torch.nn.GRUCell) and not isinstance(child, DPGRUCell):
            logger.debug(f"Replacing {name} with {DPGRUCell}")
            replacement = copy_gru(child)
            setattr(module, name, replacement)
    for name, child in module.named_children():

class DifferentialPrivacy(pl.callbacks.EarlyStopping):
    """Enables differential privacy using Opacus.

    Converts optimizers to instances of the :class:`~opacus.optimizers.DPOptimizer` class.
    This callback inherits from `EarlyStopping`, thus it is also able to stop the training when enough privacy budget has been spent.
    Please beware that Opacus does not support multi-optimizer training.

    For more info, check the following links:
    * https://opacus.ai/tutorials/
    * https://blog.openmined.org/differentially-private-deep-learning-using-opacus-in-20-lines-of-code/

    def __init__(
        budget: float = 1.0,
        noise_multiplier: float = 1.0,
        max_grad_norm: float = 1.0,
        delta: float = None,
        use_target_values: bool = False,
        idx: ty.Sequence[int] = None,
        log_spent_budget_as: str = "DP/spent-budget",
        private_dataloader: bool = False,
        default_alphas: ty.Sequence[ty.Union[float, int]] = None,
        **gsm_kwargs: ty.Any,
    ) -> None:
            budget (float, optional): Defaults to 1.0.
                Maximun privacy budget to spend.
            noise_multiplier (float, optional): Defaults to 1.0.
                Noise multiplier.
            max_grad_norm (float, optional): Defaults to 1.0.
                Max grad norm used for gradient clipping.
            delta (float, optional): Defaults to None.
                The target δ of the (ϵ,δ)-differential privacy guarantee.
                Generally, it should be set to be less than the inverse of the size of the training dataset.
                If `None`, this will be set to the inverse of the size of the training dataset `N`: `1/N`.
            use_target_values (bool, optional):
                Whether to call `privacy_engine.make_private_with_epsilon()` or `privacy_engine.make_private`.
                If `True`, the value of `noise_multiplier` will be calibrated automatically so that the desired privacy budget will be reached only at the end of the training.
            idx (ty.Sequence[int]):
                List of optimizer ID's to make private.
                Useful when a model may have more than one optimizer.
                By default, all optimizers are made private.
            log_spent_budget_as (str, optional):
                How to log and expose the spent budget value.
                An `EarlyStopping` callback may use this value to stop the training when enough budget has been spent.
            private_dataloader (bool, optional):
                Whether to make the dataloader private. Defaults to False.
                Input arguments for the :class:`~opacus.GradSampleModule` class.
        # inputs
        self.budget = budget
        self.delta = delta
        self.noise_multiplier = noise_multiplier
        self.max_grad_norm = max_grad_norm
        self.use_target_values = use_target_values
        self.log_spent_budget_as = log_spent_budget_as
        self.private_dataloader = private_dataloader
        self.gsm_kwargs = gsm_kwargs
        if default_alphas is None:
            self.default_alphas = RDPAccountant.DEFAULT_ALPHAS + list(range(64, 150))
            self.default_alphas = default_alphas
        # init early stopping callback
            # we do not want to stop if spent budget does not increase. this may even be desirable
        # attributes
        self.epsilon: float = 0.0
        self.best_alpha: float = 0.0
        self.accountant = RDPAccountant()
        self.idx = idx  # optims to privatize

    def setup(
        trainer: pl.Trainer,
        pl_module: pl.LightningModule,
        stage: str = None,
    ) -> None:
        """Call the GradSampleModule() wrapper to add attributes to pl_module."""
        if stage == "fit":
                pl_module = GradSampleModule(pl_module, **self.gsm_kwargs)
            except ImportError as ex:
                raise ImportError(
                    f"{ex}. This may be due to a mismatch between Opacus and PyTorch version."
                ) from ex

    def on_train_epoch_start(
        trainer: pl.Trainer,
        pl_module: pl.LightningModule,
    ) -> None:
        """Called when the training epoch begins. Use this to make optimizers private."""
        # idx
        if self.idx is None:
            self.idx = range(len(trainer.optimizers))
        # dp dataloader
        dp_dataloader = None
        if self.private_dataloader:
            if isinstance(trainer.train_dataloader, DataLoader):
                dataloader = trainer.train_dataloader
                dp_dataloader = DPDataLoader.from_data_loader(dataloader, distributed=False)
                trainer.train_dataloader = dp_dataloader
            elif isinstance(trainer.train_dataloader.loaders, DataLoader):  # type: ignore
                dataloader = trainer.train_dataloader.loaders  # type: ignore
                dp_dataloader = DPDataLoader.from_data_loader(dataloader, distributed=False)
                trainer.train_dataloader.loaders = dp_dataloader  # type: ignore
                logger.debug("No dataloader found.")
        # get dataloader
        if dp_dataloader is not None:
            data_loader = dp_dataloader
            data_loader = trainer._data_connector._train_dataloader_source.dataloader()
        sample_rate: float = 1 / len(data_loader)
        dataset_size: int = len(data_loader.dataset)  # type: ignore
        expected_batch_size = int(dataset_size * sample_rate)
        # delta
        if self.delta is None:
            self.delta = 1 / dataset_size
        # make optimizers private
        optimizers: ty.List[Optimizer] = []
        dp_optimizer: ty.Union[Optimizer, DPOptimizer]
        for i, optimizer in enumerate(trainer.optimizers):
            if not isinstance(optimizer, DPOptimizer) and i in self.idx:
                if self.use_target_values:
                    self.noise_multiplier = get_noise_multiplier(
                        target_epsilon=self.budget / 2,
                dp_optimizer = DPOptimizer(
                dp_optimizer = optimizer
        trainer.optimizers = optimizers

    def on_train_batch_end(  # pylint: disable=unused-argument # type: ignore
        trainer: pl.Trainer,
        pl_module: pl.LightningModule,
        outputs: ty.Any,
        batch: ty.Any,
        batch_idx: int,
        *args: ty.Any,
    ) -> None:
        """Called after the batched has been digested. Use this to understand whether to stop or not."""
        self._log_and_stop_criterion(trainer, pl_module)

    def on_train_epoch_end(
        trainer: pl.Trainer,
        pl_module: pl.LightningModule,
    ) -> None:
        """Run at the end of the training epoch."""
            f"Spent budget (epoch={trainer.current_epoch}): {self.epsilon}. Max budget: {self.budget}."

    def get_privacy_spent(self) -> ty.Tuple[float, float]:
        """Estimate spent budget."""
        # get privacy budget spent so far
        epsilon, best_alpha = self.accountant.get_privacy_spent(
        return float(epsilon), float(best_alpha)

    def _log_and_stop_criterion(
        trainer: pl.Trainer,
        pl_module: pl.LightningModule,
    ) -> None:
        """Logging privacy spent: (epsilon, delta) and stopping if necessary."""
        self.epsilon, self.best_alpha = self.get_privacy_spent()
        # log: expose the spent budget, an EarlyStopping callback may use this value to stop the training when enough budget has been spent
        if self.epsilon > self.budget:
                f"The training will stop at epoch {trainer.current_epoch} and step {trainer.global_step} because all the allowed privacy budget ({self.budget}) has been spent: {self.epsilon}."
            # Set this flat to True in the Trainer and the training will stop
            trainer.should_stop = True

Here’s how one could use it:

# hoose dataset
datamodule = MyDataModule(batch_size=32)

# Choose model
model = MyModel()

# Create callback
dp_cb = DifferentialPrivacy(budget=0.232, private_dataloader=False)

# Define trainer
max_steps = 20
trainer = pl.Trainer(

# Train as usual
trainer.fit(model=model, datamodule=datamodule)

The nice thing about this is that the same Callback should work with any lightning.pytorch model. It is model agnostic. So you do not need to re-implement the same model twice, the normal one and the private one. You can just code any model once, then leverage this Callback to make them private.